Getting to the College

Grange Community College, Grange Abbey Rd, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 Postcode: D13NX25

Clongriffin Station - 10 minute walk

Howth Junction/Donaghmede - 15 minute walk

By bus

H1 and 15 - a few minutes walk

N6 - 20 minutes walk

Application and Offers (EU/EEA applicants)

Applications for Further Education courses are open in mid December each year.

You will be invited to attend the college for an information meeting after which an offer of a place will be made.

To accept a place on a post leaving cert course pay your €50 deposit.

For part time BTEI courses, please provide evidence of eligibility to

If you apply when the college is closed for the summer break, you will automatically be made an offer following application during the Summer months. If you know you wish to accept the place, pay your deposit to secure it.

We will be in touch with all registered students in late August/early September regarding the induction schedule.

In the event that a course is over-subscribed preference for places must be given to those who have paid deposits. If you subsequently become eligible for VTOS we will be happy to refund your deposit.

Applications - International Students

We welcome applications from International Students (non EU or EEA countries).

Eligibility to participate in Further Education and/or the fee that is charged by the College is determined by your individual status. You can get further information on by contacting our admissions office or by clicking here: ETBI Eligibility for Participation in Further Education.

People with International Protection Status are eligible for many of our courses, contact the college for more information.

Ukranian citizens with Temporary Protection Status are also eligible for most courses.

Громадяни України, які мають статус тимчасового захисту, також мають право на більшість курсів.

College Open Days

College Open Days are advertised on the website.

This is a great opportunity to meet with a member of College teaching staff at the college and discuss your course interest areas.


There are no fees for tuition, however some charges do exist to cover the costs
of equipment, materials and administration. However we endeavour to keep these costs as low as possible.

Costs of courses are listed on individual course pages, as they differ from one course to another.


Students may apply for a grant through

Some students are eligible for places on VTOS courses or through the DSP through back to education allowance.
See for more information.

Approximate Time Committment

Full time courses run over 4- 5 days and generally require a time commitment of 18 - 20 hours per week, a little more when completing assessments.

Part time courses usually run over 2 - 3 days and and carry a time commitment of roughly 8 hours per week .

Most courses require learners to undertake work experience as part of their course. This varies according to the course undertaken.

Teaching and Learning

The majority of our courses have a small blended element. This means that some learning will take place online, even though all Covid-19 restrictions have been lifted. We believe it is important to expose learners to the technology and skills required to navigate the online environment - as this is relevant in many employment settings now.

Orientation and induction will include an introduction to the virtual learning environment and other software that you will be using during the year.

It is advisable that students have access to their own technology (e.g. Laptop or Tablet) while participating in courses. We will have some laptops available for loan to eligible students.

Computer facilities are also available in the college when IT classrooms are not in use.

If you do not feel confident about the use of IT, it might be helpful to spend a year completing our Preparation for Level 5 course, which helps build learner skills for success.

Further Education Policies

DDLETB Assessment Handbook